Take Action
For scheduling information for our mobile units, please contact Pastor Talley at 864-361-3595
The SC Witness Project provides two main activities: 1.) free breast cancer, cervical cancer and cardiovascular education programs that are presented in the community by Witness Role Models (WRM's) and Lay Health Advisors (LHA's); and 2.) cancer screening assistance to eligible individuals (please see resources page for eligibility requirements).
WRM's are women who are breast cancer, cervical cancer survivors; or cardiovascular disease survivors. Their presence as survivors is seen as a blessing and proof that cancer is not a death sentence.
LHA's are not cancer survivors themselves, but are women who want to work with the project to organize and publicize programs, network with community people, answer questions about cancer screening services and available resources, teach breast self awareness, and encourage preventive health services (mammograms, clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, and pap tests).
During a Witness program session, WRM's witness by talking about their experiences with cancer, stressing the importance of early detection and answering questions about their personal experiences, fears, and concerns. Program sessions address the fears and beliefs many women hold about cancer, demonstrates that the diagnosis of cancer is neither a death sentence nor a punishment, and provides participants with accurate, personal information about cancer, early detection and treatment methods. During the session, LHA's give breast and cervical cancer facts, inform participants of available cancer screening resources in the community, and teach breast self-awareness. All sessions are free to women across South Carolina.
The cancer screening assistance portion of SC Witness Project provides direct assistance and linkages to breast and cervical cancer screenings. We partner with medical facilities across South Carolina to provide free mammograms and diagnostic breast care services and pap smears to eligible women in the state. We partner with South Carolina's Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, the Best Chance Network, which provides continued treatment or referrals after an abnormal finding or diagnosis of breast or cervical cancer.
Your contribution will save lives and inspire hope across South Carolina
There are multiple ways to get involved with the SC Witness Project, including as a volunteer or as a faith-based partner.
We are always looking for women to volunteer as WRMs or LHAs. We are a strong network of empowered women in South Carolina. If you have experienced cancer or not, and are interested in volunteering with our organization, please visit our contact page to find the regional coordinator nearest to you.
The faith-based community are our partners in providing breast and cervical cancer education. Faith communities are vital centers for addressing the well-being of people in their membership and/or the community. To date, our programs have provided breast and cervical cancer education and screening to many underserved women across South Carolina. Interested congregations can get involved in SC Witness Project by hosting a community presentation for their members.
Presentations are provided at no cost to churches or community organizations.
We provide presentations based on your schedule
Presentation length is approximately 45 minutes
We can provide an entire presentation or work within your existing programs. In the past, we have participated in Worship in Pink, Breast Cancer Awareness Day, Women’s Day, and Mother/Daughter teas, family reunions, health fairs, and the IMARA tour.
If you are interested in hosting a community event, please contact Pastor Jacqueline Talley at (864) 361-3595 or scwitnessproject1@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
The SC Witness project is a community-based program designed to increase breast cancer screening and promote the practice of mammography among underserved African American women. Our mission features groups of women who witness about their triumph over breast or cervical cancer. We witness to save lives.
We believe that community involvement creates stronger and healthier communities. Please consider making a one-time or recurring investment to support our efforts toward reducing breast and cervical cancer and cardiovascular disease among women in South Carolina. We are deeply grateful for your donation. God bless!